Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Our village desperately needed a hospital. My mission was to use the positive approach to build one. I created a vision board, composed positive manifestations, wrote opinion pieces for the local newspaper, and found a small group of folks on the “same page.” Progress was very slow.

ACTION STEP NEEDED: Wrote a “factional” book about a village like ours, (faction = fiction based on facts). It provides a road map for us to follow. The characters found a way to build their hospital. The title is The Vision of Eagle Lake, a Novel Approach to Manifestation. It includes a hospital visualization meditation. A friend recorded it on a CD, available as a free download on the Internet (see websites below).

MY INTENT: The more people who listen to the meditation, seeing our hospital in their mind’s eye, and read the book, the stronger the potential becomes that our dream will become a reality. The book is available on websites around the world, including Canada, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, India, New Zealand, South Africa, and Liberia.

NEW! Kindle Edition Now Available.

The day I uploaded the manuscript to my publisher, events began to fall into place. Within three months we formed a hospital foundation, filed for non-profit status, produced architectural renderings of our hospital, met with local governance, found a mentor who runs a successful rural hospital, met with the state’s largest medical service to learn about telemedicine and gained the support of our state and federal politicians. We have a website. We’re ready to apply for a government grant for construction and land acquisition. Our dream is a reality and it closely follows the novel’s timetable.

PJ Kates

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